Welcome to Helen and Philip's wedding album. 

Click here for pictures taken by friends and family.

Click here for pictures take by our photographer (Allan Brooker).

The direct link to our pictures is wedding.popstogo.com.


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Helen's Speech

Thank you

Good evening everyone

First of all, we would like to thank Father Rendy for marring us and always making himself available to answer any questions we had with his welcoming cheerful smile and great sense of humour. It is always a great pleasure to speak with you Father.

Secondly, we would like to thank our Mom and Dad for putting on this beautiful wedding for us. I know, Mom and Dad, you have waited for this day. We are both very happy that you can be here today to celebrate with us.

i appreciate everything you have given me - your love, support, encouragement and understanding. You played a large part in who I am today. I will always remember the sacrifices that you have made for me. I love you both very much.

Thirdly, thank you Mr. and Mrs. Leitch for taking the time to join us for several wonderful lunches at the Glencoe and making it possible for us to have our wedding here today.

We also appreciate the wedding rehearsal dinner you prepared for us at your home. It certainly was lovely and it means a lot to us.

fourthly, we would like to thank our brother Bob, sister Nadia, sister-in-law Eunice and our niece Ashley for all their help.

We would also like to express our appreciation to our usherettes and good friends Clara and Milcha and our niece Murielle for the uplifting reading.

Thank you Aunt Olga for taking the time to bake the beautiful korvi - the Ukrainian Wedding cake - for us. It is greatly appreciated.

We genuinely thank our friends Wilbur Adams for making my engagement and our wedding rings. We appreciate your time, effort and patience. During the whole process, we certainly enjoyed getting to know you better.

We would like to extend our gratitude to our friend Sara Banke and her Quartet by creating a lovely ensemble at our reception, playing such wonderful music. In advance, we would like to thank Dave Grimstead's band and Phil's DJ Service for agreeing to play for our wedding today. We are looking forward to hearing your great tunes.

We would like to thank my friend Carrie Chupnik and our cousin-in-law Marika Stimac for doing the bridal party's hair and making us look lovely for this day. Thank you Alan Brooker for the time and effort you put into taking photographs of our wedding

We also greatly appreciate Mike Kevis and Ray Mcray's willingness and efforts to make videos for us of our wedding day.

We would like to thank Alphonse and Jack Botros for allowing us to have our "Day After" in the Comedy Cave. We appreciate your warm generosity in going out of your way to opening up the club for us.

We sincerely thank the Glencoe Club's event coordinators and chefs for decorating the hall beautifully and for preparing an exquisite supper for our guests

We would like to extend our gratefulness to the Masters of Ceremony - my cousin Walter Garbeara and our friend Don Beaudin - for all their efforts and preparations for this day. You certainly were very entertaining.

We would also like to extend our appreciation and gratefulness for our family and friends. We are certainly blessed to have you in our lives. It is wonderful to have some of you here today celebrating with us. You all mean a lot to us and play a special part in our lives.

In addition to today's celebration, we have many other things to be thankful for and to celebrate such as the Christmas season and the upcoming New Year. All the best to all of you and may you have a wonderful year

We love you all. God Bless!

Philip's Speech


Good Evening

Helen and I now speak as one voice, so the thanks to our family and friends comes from both of us.

We are sharing our responsibilities, so no one wares the pants in this family, as you can plainly see.

I have a couple of "thanks" that only I can do.

Helen's family welcomed me, right from the start of our relationship. Anna and Peter are now Mama and Tat. Bobby and Eunice, Nadia and the girls always made me feel welcome in their homes. On our trips to Edmonton for Weddings and Christenings, Helen's extended family made a real effort to make me feel welcome.

I could also tell I was becoming one of the family, when my truck I were invited to several furniture and heavy appliance relocations.

I am sorry that my Mom and Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Stobo and sister Annette could not have met Helen. But I don't think it was a coincidence that shortly after Annette joined my Mon and Dad, that Heaven sent me this Angel. I know they would have loved her as much as I do and that they are happy for us.

I feel like a man who wins the lottery every day. Helen is a joy to have in my life. I not only love her, I like her. Helen has integrity. I respect her intelligence, her dedication as a very hard working teacher. She lifts my spirit. This relationship has not been an effort for me, it has buoyed me up. I find Helen to be exceptionally beautiful and I know that beauty comes from inside her.

But what I love most about Helen is her innocence. She is not jaded, she sees humour, happiness and beauty everywhere. She is full of joy and happiness. If she is left alone while she is working, she will start to sing, if music is playing, she starts to dance. And anyone that has seen Helen dance, knows that in with the happiness, there is a lot of sensuality too.

I have one last thing to share with you. I hope that it will help you with your relationship, or will help you when you find that special person. I have been to hundreds of weddings, because I own a Disk Jockey company. They are all very wonderful. But out in a field, on a glorious sunny July afternoon, I heard a JP giving the following advice to the newly weds.

He said the secret to having a wonderful relationship is simple. Each partner must take on the responsibility for the needs and desires of their partner. You must always ask the question, what will make my partner happy? This means that you will always have someone looking our for your best interests, you will not have to ask for things, they will already be yours. It also means that you do not feel selfish, because you are looking out for another's wants and desires.

Helen and I have talked about this, and we will try to live our lives this way.

Thank you

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